Hannington Mumo Poems

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B. Ballad 2: The Wife Of David Ingersoll

Mary was her name of christening,
The talkative lady who won David Ingersoll's heart;
The two vows exchanged when she's twenty two
And he score and six;

A Noble Thought

Desire it crosses your mind a noble thought
For it is a fierce battle of resolve by many fought,
That a significant reflection strays into their brains
Though the same seldom does.


I’ve a friend so prized who lives some miles away
That him to meet I must bear the walk of a day,
A whimsical of learning and wit;
A great Christian and a poet too.

Good Tidings

Good tidings of a land so charming to you all!
North of misery and south of cry;
East of sorrow and north of lack;
There is a land that none beneath the sky


Remember that years do swiftly run,
And soon will come your life's turn
To vamoose with haste from your mortal self;
A time when your agile breath shall still;

Remember Him

Will you forget him who for you embarked on labor
Of proclaiming good news to those dead in sin?
Nay! The scripture for them ordains a crown of gold
And robes sparkling with luster and resplendent sheen.


Born to parents meek and of endowments meager
To chisel fame from the adamant rocks of life;
Born to this world of wailing and woe,
Ill with hostilities and hate and strife.


Liar and fraudster who’s stolen hearts and empires;
Ogre that has strangled for blood hopeless innocents;
Vanity’s best ally and an illusion that never expires,
Earnest killer and destroyer of reason and sense.


Perhaps a Siamese twin of tenacity,
Evidently a brother to perseverance;
Resolve to fight on when hardest hit,
Stubbornness informed by a goal of importance;


Many have come to the guru of rhyme,
And this query all have had each time:
"Tell me how masterful verse to craft;
The surest tips to finest poetic draft."

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