Harold R Hunt Sr

Harold R Hunt Sr Poems

There are heroes
There are a lot heroes out there.
Some are well known and some are not.
But the only hero that there should be is

Teacher teacher
Teacher, teacher I want to know can we go to the moon.
Teacher teacher I want to know can we go to the zoo.
Teacher teacher I want to go to lunch.

Is there a golf course in heaven
Is there a golf course in heaven
O'lord of mine.
I have Cheated

Two Sisters
Two Sisters at the gates to heaven.Looking for someone they know.
They look as they walk, left to right.
Looking to see them soon.

The sun is so bright as it starts to set for the night.
Pink, blue, white and red the colors of the sky this very night.
As the sun says goodbye for another day.

The Deer Hunter
I grab my gun and to the woods. Thinking today will be fun.
I stand next to a tree not to pee.Just as I see a bear coming towards me.
I drop my gun and start to run.

One Autumn day
One Autumn day I watched the moon fall.
One autumn day I watched the leaves fall from the trees.
On Autumn Day, I watched the twin towers fall to the ground.

Never say goodbye.
Never say good bye to the one you love.
For a goodbye means you shall never return.
A sweet kiss and a later my love.Is just a reason to see you once more?

Cabin in the woods.
There is a cabin in the woods.
All are broken down from stormy weather.
Holes in the roof so birds can fly in and out.

What are moms made of?
They say that little boys are made of shells and snails and puppy dog tails.
They say that little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice.

Car Wars.
You have fords which some people afford
Chevy they abandoned the levy.
Dodge they play that with a ball in some halls.

He comes At night
He comes At Night
Who is this man they call Santa?
Is he a crook that just likes milk and cookies?

A phone call to Heaven.
Ring, ring, Hello God, I'd like to talk to my mother please.'
Why? Who is she?
Well, God, She is the one who gave me birth.

The American dream
He comes from God does not even know where.
Lobbying for change that he sees fit.
A dream of jobs while he robs.

Old house
The house looked old from the weather for years.
It bring tears to my eyes.
The windows are dirty from the dusty roads.

Heaven is too far
Heaven is too far to walk
Heaven we can only speak of.
Heaven is too far to fly

Where would i be?
If yesterday isn't today, And to day isn't tomorrow where will I be?
If last night wasn't tonight and tomorrow night isn't tonight.Where will I be?
If I cross the road to the other side and go back once more. Where will I be?

Mountain top
The leaves are all but gone as they fall from the trees on the mountain top.
The breeze blows the last few away making way for the winter snow.
A few flake start to fall with the help of old mother nature

Will the crowd cheer.
When I was little I just wanted to play football.
The kids in the neighborhood told me I was to small.
I dream of running on to the field and hearing the crowd cheer.

Harold R Hunt Sr Biography

retired Cashier, went to Gowanda Central School lived in perrysburg ny and springville ny moved to sc in 1996 and have lived here in union since 2013. have * children And 25 grandchildren. begin writing poems on 9/9/94 After my mother past away. First poem was a phone call to heaven. Was published in a paper in springvile ny, A good friend just kicked me one more time to get me to write. I thank you Jayne. enjoy)

The Best Poem Of Harold R Hunt Sr

There Are Heroes

There are heroes
There are a lot heroes out there.
Some are well known and some are not.
But the only hero that there should be is
God. He empowers our needs,
Gives us our life as we see.
God is a hero because.He is with us.
No he doesn't get money for doing so or a march down main st.
But every day he does react to our prayers.
And when answers, he remains our hero.
So to have a hero yes I do GOD Is my Hero

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