Hazel Durham Poems

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My New Table

My new, rustic kitchen table,
Swallows completely my turbulent state,
I feel calm like the ocean's near stillness,
As it holds its breath and waits

A New Dawn (Sequel To 'Across The Wide Expanse')

Across this wide expanse
Of your parched emotional landscapes,
You have drawn your drapes,
Across your troubled waters that run so deep,

The Search

Searching for the lost moments that are uplifting my emotions,
Like a shooting star, flashing so brightly,
Across the darkened skies,
Searching for the truth in the magnitude of lies,

The Cherry Tree

She remembers the cherry trees were in bloom when she met him,
Time rolls back,
In a humble cafe, drinking tea,
A man leans across and catches her arm,


Echoes of empty houses, empty rooms,
Empty caravans, empty tables, empty stables,
The extreme void of their high spirited appeal,
Eventually we all have to leave,


Memories of you, like opening a window to a view,
Always so new,
Hills, valleys slumbering in the mystique,
Of the midday sun,

My Dearest One

I listen to the breeze rustling the scattered autumn leaves,
I see the dappled clouds as they weave,
A pattern across the sulking skies,
I hear the birds sing and chatter without any lies,

Blue Skies

My soul is lost forever in a dense fog,
Swirling around in a vortex at the edge of an Irish bog.
The fallen tree has now been cut up into logs,
For my open fire, to give me warmth to dream of my desire,

Time Zone

He watches the light of the dawn,
Sweeping in with his fertile imagination,
Catching his talk with the fire of elation,
A master of creativity in stories embroidered

The Lime Tree

I always used to look outside my bedroom window,
At the old lime tree,
Solid and comforting, changing with the seasons,
Shedding your finery in the autumn chill,

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