Heather Colton

Heather Colton Poems

I say I love you,
but I never hear it back.
I say I miss you,
but I never hear it back.

You're spinnin',
you're winnin'.
You're being ripped,
because you're losin' grip!

If I shall fall, would you catch me?
If I shall cry, would you hold me?
If I shall die, would you cry?

I told you that you hurt me,
I told you I was scared.
I asked you to help me,
and all you did was glared.

My life is just as rough as yours,
and that I can't ignore.
I've been crumpled up, and thrown away.
Torn up, ripped apart.

If a life were to end what would you do? ,
who would you turn to, Where would you go?
would you cry, for how long?
would you feel like you can't go on?


Do you hear the screaming,
Do you heal the suffering?
Do you need the grief,
Do you feel the pain?

Are true friends really true?
Are they honest, can you trust them?
Will they spread a secret, or keep it to them self?
Will they spread rumors, or stab you in the back?

I dream about you every night,
I dream that we have a fight.
We fight about random things,
like will the sun rise tomorrow, or will love birds sing?

How do you think this makes us feel,
you left us here, all alone.
No one to go to,
No one to cry with.

Why are you complaining?
Your life isn't that tough!
You complain like a run on sentence,
You complain like it's World War 3!

It's within these gates,
we plan our escape!

We live for a reason,

You’ll wake up Sunday morning hearing us cheer and shout,
you’ll have a smile on your face, and you won’t have a doubt.
You’ll have the best day of your life,
just because! And on that one day there will be no strife.

This is the part when you cry,
you feel all tensed up inside.
You still feel the pain,
and there is much more to gain.

I know you might not believe in magic,
but i do.
You might not believe in love,
but i do.

I lost myself in him, I felt like i had no way out. I cried and screamed; everyone could hear me, except for me. I needed out but I was being sucked back into a vicious cycle that was never going to end. People close to me tried to warn me. They pulled me in every different direction to try and pull me free, but it was useless; I was already caught. It seemed to me the only way to save myself was to let myself be captured. Be held hostage in my own body; my own mind.

Heather Colton Biography

Hi I was inspired to write poems by one of by best friends [Sylvia Hart] she has some poems on this site so check them out! : D)

The Best Poem Of Heather Colton

♥ I Love You ♥

I say I love you,
but I never hear it back.
I say I miss you,
but I never hear it back.
I say I need you,
But i never hear it back.
I say I will die without you,
but I never hear it back.

I keep on saying I love you,
and I still never hear it back.
I'm hoping you'll say the three words that mean the most to me,

I don't know if it will happen,
because hope is such a big word.
There are people everyday hoping,
just to be alive the next day.

Even though you don't say I love you,
even though you don't say I miss you.
Even though you don't say I need you,
even though you will die without me.
Even though you don't care,
I will always say I LOVE YOU! ♥

Heather Colton Comments

Sylvi Broken </3 14 October 2008

Totally awesome friend =] you so like, rock my socks off! Keep writing your awesome poems I like your poems, I really do Your always there for me, it's true Your a rockin' friend, your super cool Your super smart too, your no fool xD teehee stay cool =D

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