Hebert Logerie Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Memories, O Souvenirs

Memories of the sunny days
Memories of the lunar nights
Memories of your sweet kisses
Memories of the thundering laughters.

Bon Anniversaire, Mon Amour

</>Bon Anniversaire, Mon Amour

Mon amour, aujourd’hui est ton anniversaire,
Je n’ai pas de choses extraordinaires

Everything Changes

The flowers
The hours
The seasons
The reasons

My Papa, My Best Friend / Mon Papa, Mon Meilleur Ami

My Papa, My Best Friend
(Dedicated to All Fathers)

My dad was more than a father,

The Bloody Sunday On The Bridge In Selma

The road to Freedom is never easy
It is infested with angry foxes and deadly racists
It is indeed full of danger and treachery
My People are fearless in front of the fascists

Love Yourself First

You must love yourself first after God.
You ought to take care of yourself first,
Before you can help anyone else;
Please do so, so you'll be hungry and athirst

Protect The Future, Protect Our Children

</></></>Protect The Future, Protect Our Children
(This poem is dedicated to the abused children)

It is more than a cliché to say

Love Yourselves

Love yourselves
If you love yourselves
Nobody will try to put you on shelves
So you can be sold like cats and cattles

Je Suis Charlie Hebdo Aussi

Je suis Trayvon Martin, je suis Eric Garner;
Et j'abhorre l'intolérance et la violence.
Je suis Charlie Hebdo aussi, chers confrères;
Et je pratique l'amour et la tolérance.

Fire Of Love

Fire of Love that burns and destroys,
Fire, fire that causes sufferings,
Infernal fire that curses,
Kills and causes death.

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