Hebert Logerie Poems

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A Season For The Thing

There is a time for the rose
And a season for her to become
The thing. Sweet memories
From the past are always morose.

Violence Will Always Beget More Violence

A few wise widows wonder,
While sitting at their windows;
They asked this thorny question:
'Who started the very first wars? '

Let's Go Forward

Hurry up to reach the end of the chapter
So we can abandon the books on the desks
It's time to go forward
While we have ample time.

You Know Who You Are

You know who you are
And I know who I am
No fight, no fright and no war
My name is not Sam

A Few Beautiful Poems For Whom, For What…

I wrote a few beautiful poems for the happy birds,
For the women that I love, for the embroidered skirts,
For the smile of the flowers, for the sensuous shirts,
For the autumn leaves, for the angels with the highest standards,

Don't Believe The Polls

Keep on voting for the right candidate
There's no more debate
Vote for the one who has experience
The candidate who will save America

Don't Be A Sore Loser

If you lose a game or an election
Simply accept the final results
Chivalrously and move on.

Rounding The Rough Corners Of Covid-19

Of course, that's a monumental lie
More people are infected daily
And many innocent victims die
They die abruptly and sporadically.

You Got To Leave

You got to leave
You got to go
No more sweet dough
We got to live

A Simple Farewell At Dawn

My Lord! My friend left and headed east,
Where she will find true comfort, peace
And serenity. She’ll be free of pain
And misery, and be blessed by the rain.

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