Hebert Logerie Poems

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Paradise In Poetry

The Poets find Paradise
In poetry
Away from the lies
Of normalcy

Too Much Oil, Too Many Weapons

Too little airspace, too much oil
Too many heavy weapons on the soil
Too many ready warring factions
In position to take actions

Mamma È Stata La Prima Parola Intelligibile

Mamma' è stata la prima parola intelligibile
Nata dalla bocca di un bambino,
E 'papà' è stata pronunciata per seconda,
Facendo ridere l'universo intero.

On The Screen Of Your Eyes

On the screen of your eyes, I can read
Countless beautiful poems. Darling, I dared to write,
To excite, to venerate, and to honor you.

Your Everything Pleases Me, Darling

Everything you say
Is enough for me
Everything you do
Pleases me

Freedom, What Happened To Justice?

I wonder every day, what happened to Freedom?
What happened to Justice? Justice and Freedom
Should walk or march hand in hand, together
Things are bad, worse than ever, bitter not better

Valentine's Day Is Around The Corner

We had Christmas about fifty days ago,
And then New Year's Day a week later.
Presently, it's Valentine's Day on the go;
Crazy lovers are planning to get together.

A Good And Blessed Day

Sometimes, we have had a good and blessed day
But we failed to acknowledge that fact
The weather was as beautiful as a peacock
It was sunny and the visitors were observing the bay

Great Poets Are Among Us

Countless serious Poets are among us
Countless great thinkers are with us
Poetry should deal with objectivity
Not spurious subjectivity

History Is Impartial

The real history knows how
To pick great men/women who know how
To serve, help, protect, defend and lead.
Great leader fights all the way

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