Hebert Logerie Poems

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A Tribute Fits For A Great King

Bring the drums, the flute and the trombone.
Bring the clarinet, the guitars and the saxophone,

Even God Is A Racist

God is a racist because
In the beginning
He created two human beings
Named Adam and Eve, which looked different

Another Year Is Saying Goodbye

In spite of last year’s ups and downs,
Life was beautiful and rewarding.
We played in the park and chased the clowns.
No one got hurt, and with the Good Lord’s blessing,

Money Does Not Bring

Money does not bring true happiness,
This does not exist. Money releases and smoothes
The daily burdens and responsibilities;
It is a relief that diminishes the worries.

Both Guilty Of Loving Each Other

We are, two adults, committed to each other.
You are the darling and I am the lover.

Color does not matter,

Life Is Worth Living

Enjoy life to the fullest everyday
Make the best of what you have
Give yourself high fives today
Make the best of what you have.

The Specious Criminal Trial

Which fish
The scuba diver
Is going after?
The big one

Death, You Took Away

Death, you took away the Kings, Queens,
Popes, Presidents, Ministers, and Marines.
You tucked away the children, the young and the old.
You took away the beautiful, the strange and the bold.

T Shooshoo, I Am Dying For You

T Shooshoo
Sweet T
I am dying for you

Feliz Cumpleaños Para Mi Mamá Y Todas Las Mujeres

Mamá, tú fuiste la primera Dama,
Quien me llenó de besos en mi infancia.
El primer amor que decoró mi alma
Con ternura, sinceridad y caridad.

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