Hebert Logerie Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Express Your Conundra

Breathe, call me, talk, speak, and yell
Express yourself, quit giving me hell

On Valentine's Day And Every Day Of The Year

Love is everything, love is priceless.
On Valentine's, it's not the value, the worthiness
Of the gift, but the simple gesture
Of giving a handshake, a kiss, a flower,

I Am Using The “n- Word”

I Am a Negro
Je suis un Noir
Yo soy un Negro
I am a great Negro

Ma Sereine Vénus, Je T'Aime Naturellement

Je t'aime tel que tu étais née
Avec tes jolis cheveux noirs et crépus
Avec tes beaux yeux d'ébène et nus
Avec ton grand sourire ensoleillé

My Serene Venus, I Love You Naturally

I love you as you were born with style
With your beautiful black curly hair
With your ebony and naked stare
With your grand tropical smile

From The Mountain Top

From the Mountain Top

From the mountain top, we can see the lights
Of Hope, and feel the unspeakable pressure of the fights

We Can'T Breathe …

We can no longer breathe the toxic fumes of racism
We can't breathe
We can no longer accept this type of cynicism
We can't breathe

I'M Charlie Hebdo Too

I'm Trayvon Martin, I'm Eric Garner;
And I hate intolerance and violence.
I'm Charlie Hebdo too, dear brothers;
And I practice love and tolerance.

No Podemos Respirar

No Podemos Respirar

Ya no podemos respirar los humos tóxicos de racismo
No podemos respirar

Mehr Farben Für Den Regenbogen

Der Regenbogen wird besser
Da fügen wir mehr Farben hinzu
Für eine erfolgreichere Zukunft
Da schließen wir mehr Brüder ein

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