Hunter Lydia

Hunter Lydia Poems

Here i lay, oh here i lay
this is the end of my days
I am sure of it
no one should have to die in a dirt filled ditch

I love you
oh i do, i really do
but you do not love me
that is why i have to leave

The Best Poem Of Hunter Lydia

Here I Lay, Oh Here I Lay

Here i lay, oh here i lay
this is the end of my days
I am sure of it
no one should have to die in a dirt filled ditch
especially with my brothers who lay across
..across the way, they call my name
reaching out for my hand
Oh! if only i could move this very limb
the limb that asked the girl of my dreams to marry me
the one who my world was alit for
she is why i hesitate before this very door
oh i know she will hate me
she will disagree
but then i hear the sacred words…
" Enter Thee"
the sayer of these words are like a siren
i instantly start reaching for the him
blocking out the screams of men, sweet silence
I'm starting to feel warm.
What if i want to experience more?
There is a lot to explore
I stop, back to the pitch of war
i awake with dismay
My brain is short circuiting
i look up and see a bird I think
… i lay, oh here i lay
Here i lay, oh here i stay

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