Ima Ryma Poems

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Comfort Zone

I be a male sea dragon that
Need care for eggs my mate has laid,
And find human corpse habitat
Where a nest for us I have made.

Plan B

Grandma did send me out to pick
Some blackberries to make a pie,
Asked that I try to do it quick,
To be baked by dinner was why.


Wars of the world have come and gone.
But always there is war somewhere.
Humanity lets wars go on,
Cuz mad leaders are always there


Each and every day I live,
Changes do happen all about.
Each change can be a take or give.
I have some choice on this no doubt.

Busy Host

I am a passion flower that
Does grow in southeastern Brazil,
Impassioned in my habitat,
My pollen spreading to fulfill.

Lot's Wife

Two angels came to Sodom to
Warn Lot and family to flee,
Because God was about to do
A destruction of the city.

Boat Ride

Invited by friends to go on
A boat ride, I say, 'Yes, why not.'
Since I went blind I have not gone
Boating, which I once liked a lot.

Icebergs On Vacation

Mister and Missus Iceberg were
Concerned they had gained too much weight.
Lots of pressure on him and her,
And so the two did contemplate,

A Perfect World

In the beginning God did make
A perfect world - land, water, air.
And animals and plants did take
Perfect time and place ev'rywhere.

Oil Spill Disaster

Hubby insisted that he could
Change himself the oil in the car.
I knew this would not turn out good.
Under the engine he rolled thar,

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