Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Busy Host

I am a passion flower that
Does grow in southeastern Brazil,
Impassioned in my habitat,
My pollen spreading to fulfill.

Lot's Wife

Two angels came to Sodom to
Warn Lot and family to flee,
Because God was about to do
A destruction of the city.

Holiday Song Request

All radio stations, I'm here
On all of your call in lines to
Wish you lots of holiday cheer.
This Christmas Eve, I'm with my crew,

At The Hour Of His Death

John Keats did leave his London home
When tuberculosis took hold.
Per doctors he did move to Rome
Where his death warrant did unfold.

Boat Ride

Invited by friends to go on
A boat ride, I say, 'Yes, why not.'
Since I went blind I have not gone
Boating, which I once liked a lot.

We Will

Always darkest before the dawn,
There are many who believe that.
For a long time dark has gone on
To plague our Earth habitat.


Wars of the world have come and gone.
But always there is war somewhere.
Humanity lets wars go on,
Cuz mad leaders are always there

Mask Man Date

My girlfriend said, 'Put on your mask, '
'If you care 'bout saving your life.'
For me maskings' an irksome task,
But I complied to avoid strife.

A Perfect World

In the beginning God did make
A perfect world - land, water, air.
And animals and plants did take
Perfect time and place ev'rywhere.

Thank You, Tony

'Because of You, ' his first big hit,
Released in 1951.
Tony Bennett kept singing it
For a 74 year run.

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