Ima Ryma Poems

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The two of us take a long walk.
I kind of know what's on your mind.
You feel it's time to have that talk
Of now cutting the ties that bind.

Cold Turkey Or Else

I'd died and gone to heaven high.
The shock had not worn off me yet.
What choice was there but to comply?
I sure could use a cigarette.

Just Too Cute - Lincoln Park Zoo

I am a cute red panda who
The humans love to see this 'red'
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Lots of 'oohs' and 'aahs' be said

Seal Whiskers

Whiskers, whiskers - I got a bunch,
As any harbor seal has got.
Whiskers help us to find some lunch -
Seafood, fish and crabs and whatnot,

What's Hell Like?

Since early in life we are taught
That hell is awful time and place.
If sinners go there, then there ought
Be going most the human race.

Thirst Quenching - Lincoln Park Zoo

Sloth, Luigi, decides to do
A water cooler hanging out
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
Luigi's got a thirst no doubt.


'Selfie' is the word of the year,
The year two thousand and thirteen.
Self taken pic - oops missed an ear,
For the social media scene.


The bell did ring and school was out.
I needed to relax a bit.
A cigarette would help no doubt.
Behind the building up I lit.

Love Dilemma

I am a vampire in love with
A human who does not love me,
And thinks that I am just a myth,
Claiming a vampire I do be.

Flying Carpet Of Solomon

King Solomon was said to fly
On a carpet around the world.
Sixty miles long and wide, sent high
Upon the winds, It's silks unfurled.

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