Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Pope Walk The Walk

The Pope is hot on climate change,
Edicting out Papal hot air,
How all the world should rearrange
Carbon footprints, or we don't care.

Mom Chose Me

Mom was four months pregnant with me,
When she got the very bad news.
She had cancer malignancy.
To treat there was no time to lose.


Peanut, the parrot, smelled the smoke,
Saw that the humans were asleep,
Knew that it was no time to choke,
That it would take more than a peep.


Bill and Bob, they started it all,
And step by step they scaled the slope,
Dropping the chains of alcohol
And picking up the tools of hope.

Sneezing Matter

'Where's my sandwich? I'm gonna tell.'
He whined and made a face. I smiled.
Little brothers are living hell.
I should have been an only child.

Paint Job

The Pope hired Michelangelo
To make the huge ceiling stand out
In the Cistine Chapel; to show
What faith and hope were all about.

Olympian Ali

Muhammad Ali - one more round
Of the Olympics - London style.
Now a sports icon, world renowned.
Two thousand twelve - it's been a while

Brain Hack

To sin is human nature - tiz!
Other animals by instinct
Do go about their sinless biz.
Sins are what make humans distinct.

Oval Office Politics

Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt,
If any were running today
For Prez, how would have each one dealt
With the politics now in play?

The Sullivan Brothers

Pearl Harbor happened, so 'twas war.
The Sullivan brothers did go,
From Iowa to South Seas shore.
George, Al and Frank and Matt and Joe,

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