Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Africa has no tiger cat,
But boasts having the tigerfish.
Oh my, what razor sharp teeth that
I have to use in yearning wish

Beaver Leaver

I am a beaver with a butt,
With a musky vanilla scent,
Thanks to castor glands in my gut,
Producing sense pleasing content.

Dr. Benjamin Rush

George Washington, he criticized
As a general quite inept.
Then he later apologized,
And to himself, such thoughts he kept.

Bush Baby Baby - Lincoln Park Zoo

A bush baby baby am I,
Bouncing 'neath the baobob tree.
Not sure I'm a gal or guy,
But Lincoln Park Zoo's home to me.

Rock - Paper - Scissors

Rock - paper - scissors, a hard game
To choose a winner of two folk.
Pick a gesture that wins - the aim.
Pick scissors and two fingers poke.

Gunners Be Gone

Gun laws - Chicago's got a load,
And we're always whining for more.
But for years, statistics have showed
Law enforcement is very poor.

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher and the press
Gave each other a lot of flack.
Journalists 'round her did possess
Lots of foreign knic and knac -

Murray Hall

1800's - no womens' lib,
So New York City's Murray Hall
Began to tell a little fib,
'Twas just politics after all.

Bill W's Last Drink

December 11th the day,
And 1934 the year,
Bill W. did drink, hurrah,
His last of liquor, wine and beer,

Last Departure

I remember those moments well;
Driving to the airport that day,
Hearing those news bulletins tell
Of a jet crash on a runway.

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