Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Columbus Day

We 'celebrate' Columbus Day,
Named for a guy who came by ship,
Never to touch the U.S.A.
Pretty much on an ego trip.


Protozoa have been around
Since beginning of time on Earth.
One celled life form that does abound,
Absorbing all that has food worth.

Poseidon's Not Amused

Poseidon, Greek god of the sea,
Considered a powerful god,
Not much sense of humor had he.
So Poseidon would deem it odd

Remembers The Chickadee

My instinct is telling me that
The winter time will soon be here.
I live in colder habitat,
So know that food must be kept near.

Washington Monument

I, the Washington Monument,
Was built in Washington, D.C.
George made a name, that's evident,
So thanks to him, I came to be.

Leonard Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy, do rest in peace.
Generations watched your Star Trek.
Mr. Spock's role will never cease.
Pointed ears pay off - what the heck!

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach - Lincoln Park Zoo

Madagascar hissing cockroach,
See us at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
African Journey we encroach,
In mass behind glass just for you.

I Eye - Lincoln Park Zoo

This kestrel likes to watch the kids
Playing around my habitat.
Such busy sights for my eyelids,
But soundproof glass - I'm glad for that.

Howler Monkey - Lincoln Park Zoo

I am a howler monkey who
Hangs out with my extra long tail,
Here home at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Named for my howl that's off the scale.


I am a hump winged grig - a guy,
A cricket like insect who sings
For sex with gal grigs. First time I
Have two sets of 'get the gal' wings.

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