Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Go Green

Greenie scientists now search for
The way to cease carbon footprint
Of humans who pollute galore.
Global warming folk are hell bent


Henry Ford became best friend
Of Thomas Alva Edison.
A lot of camping trips they'd spend,
Planning out the future for fun.

Fasten For Foot

The nanny state makes riders wear
Seat belts while riding in a car.
Some say drivers drive with less care,
Feeling all smug and safe - bizarre!

What Would Jesus...?

And what would Jesus do or say?
Let's wait and ask him if and when
He should return to Earth one day.
It's only second mouth till then.

Dick Clark

Dick Clark, the T.V.'s ageless teen,
The American Bandstand host
Has died. Maybe the Times Square screen
Will see him back as a guest ghost,

Dorothy Gibson

Before 'twas fully known the plight,
Dorothy Gibson made such fuss,
She was the first one that bad night
To leave the Titanic, and thus


It's hard being an eight year old,
And so so on the baseball team,
And watching Dad try not to scold
When I don't play up to his dream.

Sugar Sham

General Mills etal know the trick
Of selling that sugary stuff -
Use the term, fruit, lay it on thick,
Keep it all just legal enough,

Real Pest

We bees are buzzing less and less,
And humans are wondering why.
Some pesticides are now best guess.
Duh! - products made for bugs to die.

Music Makes Good

In Philly in the fifties 'twas
A time and place to sing and dance,
Breaking old barriers because
Dick Clark, one show, just took the chance

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