Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Fearless Felix

Felix Baumgartner is the name
Of the skydiver who did dive
Into the record setting fame -
The highest jump, landing alive.

Cell Off

A cyber Pearl Harbor attack,
And the 9/11 hits too
Showed when the U.S. can fight back,
The attackers do get their due.

Common Environment

Israeli - Palestinian
Conflicts take so much time and place.
And why does all this spilled blood run?
Is peace beyond the human race?

Bond Of Bird

Ornithologist is my game,
A renowned expert for the birds.
Ian Fleming borrowed my name,
Cuz 'twas ordinary - his words.

Plastic Wrap

It was a world to be checked out.
Maybe life would be living there.
So the probe orbited about,
Checking the land, water and air.


Curiosity came to Mars,
Curious if life could be.
Forever, mankind's looked to stars
With ever curiosity.

Shack Up, Snack Down

The fly was busy having sex.
The bat was seeking a night snack,
And heard broadband buzz sound effects.
The fly asked for that bat attack.

The Big Sting

The Asian giant hornet. yes,
I get big as a sparrow bird.
I sting a human and best guess,
The human's demise has occurred.

Mixed Feelings

Jackie Robinson was the first
Black man in major league baseball.
At that first game, many fans cursed
That any black would have such gall.


In 1914, I did do
My very first musical song.
I did it by ear, 'cause 'twas true,
My lessons were not far along.

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