Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Play Ground

Mozart died and was laid to rest
In a town cemetery plot.
Later, townspeople did attest,
Music was coming from that spot.


Oscar's been with us for a while.
The nursing home is his home too.
With that friendly whiskery smile,
Through the halls with his cats eye view,

You'Re Up Chuck

Chuck had gone to a medium
To communicate with the dead.
No particular one had come
To mind to talk to, but instead,

Any Means

Mentally retarded since birth,
My sister now was 10 years old.
She thought I was the best on earth,
And would do whatever I told.


I'm waking up, so it would seem.
And not from hybernation sleep.
It's kind of fuzzy, like a dream.
I remember making a leap,

Good Samaritan

My Mom and I were driving through
The Arizona desert, when
Our truck rolled over into
A ravine. I saw a man then

Coeds Under Attack

Geology class does not rock.
But thankfully, it's almost done.
Who is this dude with the weird walk?
Oh my God! He's got a shot gun!

Battlefield Valor

From nowhere, suddenly, it came,
A live hand grenade rolled in sight,
Thrown by somebody taking aim
To kill and maim out of pure spite.


At last the Civil War was done.
Abraham Lincoln went to see
The truth of what the Union won,
Fighting the Confederacy.

Easily Distracted

I watch the kids squirming around,
And the dog is jumping about.
My yogurt cup is halfway downed,
When the spoon decides to fall out.

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