Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Stone Of Ages

Sexual impurity is
A real big biblical no no.
True hands must carry out God's biz,
And stone the sinners, blow by blow.


The eagle emblem does no more
Reflect too truly what gov is.
Gov allows inflation galore
And halts production by gov biz,

Star Of Bethlehem

The Star of Bethlehem so bright,
Oft explained as a conjunction
Of Jupitor and Venus light -
Scientific explanation!

Bug Back To The Future

No mosquitoes, roaches or flies,
'Twas predicted way back for now.
But they still flourish - no surprise.
And they will outlast us - here's how.

Youth At Risk

When my buddies and I got to
High school, we joined the football team.
My folks were sure that this would do
Me good all round, so it did seem.

Nose Knows

A study says that the nose knows
Personality type by sniff.
Extro or introverted shows,
Just by taking a good long whiff.

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert, rest in peace, sir.
Through all your health troubles you gave
Movie reviewing class. You were
The film constant through pan or rave.

Prep Price

At the chic Cannibal Cafe,
A diner does ask the waitress
About the prices on display,
Why some items are so much less


The car is becoming quite smart,
And soon will be programmed to know
Best in the nanny state of art,
To give bad drivers punish woe.

Mindlessly Living

I need more pills to pop as I
Get golder in my golden years.
All alone, I do really try
To be careful, but I have fears

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