Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Color Me Pink - Lincoln Park Zoo

"Mom, when will I turn pink like you? "
A daughter asks her mother this,
Flamingos at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Still grayish white is the young miss.


It is quite late in moonlit night.
Outside my window I do stare,
Seeking to be inspired to write.
A spider is resting out there,


My cell phone was not in the place
Where I normally do put it.
I felt my heart begin to race
As a panic attack did hit.

His Heart Stopped Day

February 14th did be
The day St. Valentine did die.
For crimes, executed was he.
Where oh where do his remains lie?

Drink Coca Cola

Coca Cola, invented in
Eighteen eighty five, did contain
Extracts of the coca leaf then,
Which plain and simple was cocaine.


Isadora Duncan did be
One who performed to great acclaim.
A wonderful dancer was she,
Achieving both fortune and fame.

False Asphodel

A false asphodel I be named,
A plant living 'long the west coast
Of North America, now famed
For a secret I now can boast,

We The People

Born out of revolution, We
Came to believe in hopes and dreams,
Decided on democracy,
Making mistakes with human schemes

Cool Down - Lincoln Park Zoo

Jamaican iguanas like heat,
And Lizzie is a lizard who
Often is found in a 'hot' seat
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Wetfree Beaver

A beaver likes water a lot,
And is covered in hairy fur.
Humans notice that beavers got
Not much of a wet look for sure.

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