Ima Ryma Poems

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More - Lincoln Park Zoo

Trumpeter swans, Clover and Mo,
Have chosen smelt from the menu.
Fish for breakfast - they're both gung ho
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Siblings Pass The Time - Lincoln Park Zoo

Little bro, Mondika, does do
Time on big sis, Nayembi's back
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Taking a ride around the track.

Aje Ponders... - Lincoln Park Zoo

What is penguin, Aje, to do?
He's pondering to dive or not
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
And he's pondering a lot,

Game On - Lincoln Park Zoo

Sisters, Bella and Patty, do
Be in the mood to play a game
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Being the winner be the aim.

Hang A Treat Tree - Lincoln Park Zoo

Round and round the hang a treat tree
We giraffes do check the treats out,
To find what goodies there do be,
Something giraffelicious no doubt.

Plural Propriety - Lincoln Park Zoo

What's the plural of dwarf mongoose?
Inquiring minds do need to know.
Mongooses rates most proper use,
Though mongeese too is good to go.

Beat The Heat - Lincoln Park Zoo

Ethan, the bald eagle, does do
Some heat adjust on this hot day,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Opening his mouth in a way

Rounds With The Mulberry Bush - Lincoln Park Zoo

Young gorilla, Mondika, guy
Is wrestling with a leafed branch that
Lincoln Park Zoo keepers supply
In the gorilla habitat.

On Wood And For Wood - Lincoln Park Zoo

A busy beaver I do be,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Swimming about my pond to see
What beaver stuff there is to do.

The Bill To Be - Lincoln Park Zoo

Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo
This young African spoonbill be
Getting a close up bird's eye view.
And what a bill the bird does see,

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