Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Mr. And Mrs. Blyth - Lincoln Park Zoo

Mr. and Mrs. Blyth hornbill,
A couple at Lincoln Park Zoo.
The Missus henpecks me until
I bring a fig for her to chew.

Project To Bank On

The story of Noah's Ark tells
Of God deciding to redo,
So sends a big flood that dispels
All life but saves samples of two,

Ricko The Rhino - Lincoln Park Zoo

I am Ricko the rhino who
Is rarely seen being outside,
Here home at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Where keepers keep me occupied,

Cleo The Sand Cat - Lincoln Park Zoo

I am called Cleo, the sand cat,
Purring at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
In the Small Mammal habitat,
Prob'ly napping - that's what I do.

Stripes For The Asking

Ever since a human first saw
A zebra, the human has asked
Why the stripes? So far no 'ah hah! '
Has come from all the studies tasked.

Groundhog Day Again

February second once more.
Calendar sez Groundhog Day tiz.
I, Punxsutawney Phil, show for
A few seconds of pure show biz.

Rhino Snow Time - Lincoln Park Zoo

What does a rhino fam'ly do
During winter in Chicago,
Outside in the Lincoln Park Zoo?
Spend quality time in the snow.

Antlers Away - Lincoln Park Zoo

A white lipped deer, I've got lips white.
Me and the Missus, we both do.
But you'll know it's me when you sight
My antlers at Lincoln Park Zoo.

Seeing Red - Lincoln Park Zoo

As a snow monkey gal, I do
Wish to warn human females that
When visiting Lincoln Park Zoo,
Don't wear red near my habitat.

Gold Swift Moth

The gold swift moth does play the game
Of love acrobatically.
Smorgasbord moves of mating aim,
Both male and female equal be.

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