Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Boy Next Door - Lincoln Park Zoo

We two young sisters want to meet
The handsome boy that lives next door.
But so far he's been hard to greet.
Once in a while we'll hear him roar.


Trophy hunters needing some thrill,
Targeted Cecil the lion,
And lured him so to make the kill,
Just one more big cat to die on.

Hi Tech Die Check

Humans wanted something to do,
So they 'borrowed' this boa a while.
How I kill prey - anything new?
They fitted some lab rats in style

Sea Bunnies

'Sea bunnies' - we are all the rage,
A type of ocean slug we be.
But on the human cuteness gauge,
A web video hit be we.

Just Spectating

I was watching a surfing thing,
Wanted to get a closer look
Of one guy doing some surfing,
So a straight line for him I took.

Red Billed Leiothrix - Lincoln Park Zoo

A red billed leiothrix am I,
A bird that is quite colorful,
Both in feather and song is why.
I may be small but never dull.

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal was built in grief
By the Emperor Shah Jahan,
For his dead wife, in the belief
That there her beauty would live on.

Hersey And Carlos Announce...Lincoln Park Zoo

Hersey and Carlos do announce,
Born to them at Lincoln Park Zoo,
Their first baby that chose to bounce
Out July 25th brand new,


I have evolved a long, long way
From what my kind first started out.
Not naturally, I must say,
'Twas much human factors no doubt.

Clark And Addison - Lincoln Park Zoo

Red Panda Cubs, they were first born
In Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo.
Powers that be got on the horn
For naming rights, as humans do.

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