Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
No Blessed Be Me!

The Bible tells us blessed be
The poor, the mournful and the meek,
The hated, hungry and thirsty,
Cuz heaven's there if such will seek.

Adapt Unwrapped - Lincoln Park Zoo

An African penguin like me
Has adapted to water world.
If you look closely, you can see
Adapting ways and means unfurled.

Thoreau Bicentennial

Happy Birthday, Mr. Thoreau,
July twelfth, twenty seventeen,
New born two hundred years ago.
Is Walden Pond still on the scene?

Margaret Hamilton

July 20th, '69 -
The first step by man on the moon.
Neil Armstrong did that first step fine,
Thanks to a woman's work fine tune.

Slug Slime

A slug's a snail without a shell,
And so the slime of a slug is
Means to defend itself - do tell!
Keeping nosy out of slug biz,

Whale Nap

A whale in water must breathe air,
And at the surface must do so.
Inside the whale, oxygen there
Let's the whale underwater go,

Chicago - Lincoln Park Zoo

In August,1868,
Was started the Lincoln Park Zoo.
A gift of mute swans did create
The time and place, and did accrue

Penguin Checkup - Lincoln Park Zoo

I saw the keepers coming, so
I thought of hands handing out fish.
A penguin thinks of such, you know,
But this time not as I would wish.


The late 1600's in France
Furniture makers did display
An item getting discreet glance.
'Twas commonly called a bidet,

Down In The Dump

In the midst of a burglary,
I got the urge to take a dump.
While on the john, a noise there be.
I got the urge to move my rump,

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