Indira Renganathan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
One Liners 21-30 (Musings)

21.Climbing up the rock, reminded of his house lizard.Lo, fell down the same lizard-way

22.Love has no wings- yet it flies..eloping cheat..!

One Liners 51-60 (Musings)

51.Compulsory thinking is hard for a compulsory write

52.Inspiring thoughts are surprise gifts like a luckydip try

One Liners 71-80(Musings)

71. Rainbow's kaleidoscopic view..a flower garden

72.Rainbow's confusion..7x what, a flower garden's myriad colours

One Liners 101-110 (Musings)

101. Rejection should not cause dejection as sometimes rejection is causeless too

102. A promised promise helps the promised person feel a promising support


The Trilonnet is a 14 line invented verse form that doesn't claim to be a sonnet.
Created by Shelley A Cephas who offers two options in meter and rhyme scheme.
The elements of the Trilonnet are:

The Summer Flood

This day
when I'm somber and sad
A huge curtain of clouds comes
And stops your entry

In High Spirits

In high spirits
Springing singing
'I am beautiful, I am beautiful'
Self esteemed her pride is

Raise Yourself If You Can...

Raise yourself if you can
To the heights of Him high
Up the bliss of cosmic clan
In one with Him I don't deny

That Little Lamb

That little lamb, otherwise proud and loud
Now I see in silent thinking..'what and why'
I ask.'Sun is hot, a cliff prefer I would
To rest so cool...but Corona a killer high

One Liners 171-180 (Musings)

171 Compulsion earns 99.9% hatred mostly

172 Compulsion in education is not an adorable option

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