Indira Renganathan Poems

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The Tableau Of A Thirsty Land (Tableau)

The Tableau is an invented stanzaic form that paints a single image
in keeping with the name of the form, tableau meaning picture.

One Liners 111-120 (Musings)

111. Shifting from one god to another God shows one's diffidence

112.Ritual dalliances are seldom disliked during times of misfortune

On My Obituary Visits

It has been so many till now..
A hope, a wish, for a hello
Me on my spirit's march
Any to meet friendly as such

Limerick- Well Prepared

I sit with my laptop well prepared
Feeling good with a mind fresh and flared
I work for a while well
Soon yawns out I sleep well

A Blessed Day (Song)

Morning rises with a blessing 'good morning'..good
Morning moves on wishing you a 'good day'..good
Daytime chores end wishing you a 'good evening'..good
Evening free and happy wishing you a 'good night'..good

One Liners 61-70 (Musings)

61.God will not reveal when Time and all will end..His secrecy, His privacy

62.Man knows well when a day, a week, a month, a year will end but not his life

One Liners 31-40 (Musings)

31.A writer is more a captive of his mind

32.Mind needs a tool incessantly to keep a better record of its the writer

One Liners 41-50 (Musings)

41.Rhyme and Chime are the best friends in perfect rhyme and chime

42.Every night comes to say that day is dead

He Came Dressed So Fresh

He came..dressed so fresh
In green and catchy
A bouquet of roses...andjasmine
That conveyed perfumed love in multiples

One Liners 151-160 (Musings)

151.Our back sees itself in a mirror and we leer at through another mirror

152.Through the train of thoughts time travels to show us the back of our mind

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