Isha Trivedi Poems

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Tae Kwon Do

When the going gets tough, the real black belts try harder,
So the black belts I see, I truly admire,
The stronger the fire, the stronger the desire.

Quitting is NOT an option,

Winter Sleep

You think I sleep,
Flowers I don't keep,
I never have a leaf to show.
The buds of next year,

Nature's Senses

My hands scale the tree, avoiding the ants' trails,
Chipping off dry bark, pale and grey as smoke.
The gentle curves of cream yellow, fresh green leaves,
Brightened by the remaining rays of evening sunlight.

High School Graduation

Today you are graduating and getting ready for college,
To learn new things, to receive more knowledge.
Since you were born your parents have dreamt of this day,
They just wish they didn't have to send you away.

Love Of Summer

Heartbreak is like a rose,
Trapped in eternal winter.
A sorrow of plain colors.
Love is like a warm summer,


An Autumn display,
Calls for a beautiful day.
To those born in the fall,
Good luck follows you all.

I Cannot Wait

Death approaches, coffin ready,
I cry, 'Not yet! '
It sneers. 'Your time has come.
Life is now a debt.

My Life

The happiness of writing can be compared,
To the wind rushing though my hair,
The thrill of a tae kwon do kick in action.
The shadows of the Grand Canyon,


Tonight, my true self will emerge,
Innocent, pure, a simply authentic me,
Genuine, unseen, shy and free.
I will hear the snowflakes' song,


With no agenda or obligations,
I have myself to consider,
My thoughts cheerful, not bitter.
I am allowed to want, to crave,

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