Ivan Turgenev Poems

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A Dream

I fancied I was somewhere in Russia, in the wilds, in a simple country

How Fair, How Fresh Were The Roses ...

Somewhere, sometime, long, long ago, I read a poem. It was soon forgotten
… but the first line has stuck in my memory-

The Sparrow

I was returning from hunting, and walking along an avenue of the garden, my
dog running in front of me.

The Rose

The last days of August…. Autumn was already at hand.

The sun was setting. A sudden downpour of rain, without thunder or

The Nymphs

I stood before a chain of beautiful mountains forming a semicircle. A
young, green forest covered them from summit to base.

The Two Brothers

It was a vision…

Two angels appeared to me… two genii.
I say angels, genii, because both had no clothes on their


Stay! as I see thee now, abide for ever in my memory!

From thy lips the last inspired note has broken. No light, no flash is

The Dog

Us two in the room; my dog and me…. Outside a fearful storm is howling.

The dog sits in front of me, and looks me straight in the face.

A Conversation

'Neither the Jungfrau nor the Finsteraarhorn has yet been trodden by the
foot of man!'

Two Stanzas

There was once a town, the inhabitants of which were so passionately fond
of poetry,
that if some weeks passed by without the appearance of

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