ivor or ivor.e hogg Poems

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Outpost Of Empire For Friend Thad

It’s clear that archaeology.
Can tell us of the history
of long forgotten Roman forts.
From evidence of many sorts.

For Pity's Sakes

Oft in the stilly night, I wake
for no reason apparently.
Then I recall each past mistake
that I have made regretfully.

The Lion Roars For M Lady Ernestine

The ancient guardians of the land
Supernal warriors of the past
are waiting still I understand
‘Til they are called to protect us.

Improbale Dream For My Fellow Poets

A hundred years from now may be.
Someone will read my poetry
and wonder how I came to write
my simple thoughts in black and white.

Sometimes For M Lady Tara

Sometimes I just sit quietly
and put my mind in neutral gear.
Set my imagination free
and wait for visions to appear


I don’t profess to speak for God
nor do I claim authority
To you my ideas may seem odd
but they are mine exclusively

My Preference

Modern proponents of free form.
Do not accept that poetry
has certain rules and must conform.
Or it becomes mere anarchy.

The Write Place

I have a desk at which to write
but I prefer my old arm chair
It is so comfortable, just right
I usually do my writing there.


When I was young I lacked the sense
to realise I’d cause offence.
By asking questions frequently
and challenging authority.

Insolvent For My Friend Aldo

The silver leaves of aspen trees
which shimmer in the playful breeze.
Each separate leaf reflecting light
like newly minted coinage bright.

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