ivor or ivor.e hogg Poems

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I am the inner voice you hear,
when quietly you meditate,

Inspiration For Grand Daughter Chitra

The agony and ecstasy
of love inspires poetry
Which otherwise would not exist.
I am quite sure it would be missed.

Lost Legion For Friend Thad

The earth beneath the desert sun is baked to shades of brown and dun.
A sea of sand which ceaselessly moves with wind uneasily.
The land marks here are far and few but known by those belonging to the nomad bands who freely roam this sea of sand and call it home.
A people fierce and proud and free who guard their secrets ruthlessly.

Cryogenic For M' Lady Catrina Heart

A frozen rose whose colour glows
beneath a crystal coat of ice.
How artistically it shows
a vision fit for paradise.

Gone Astray A Rant

Gone Astray

A solemn silence fills the space
contained with cathedral walls.

I Am That I Am For C.P.Sharma

I speak to those who choose to hear
To those who choose to see, appear
If you believe you will perceive
if you accept you will receive.

My Secret Place For Friend Thad

This lonely reed surrounded pool.
Far from the noise of other men.
Is always serene, cool and green.
The haunt of grebe and water hen.

Night Thoughts Pour M'sieur Savin

Night thoughts

The night is still I sit alone
with just my thoughts for company

I Hear And Reflect

A bell tolls sonorously
one single chime. Then silence reigns
It wakes me from my reverie.
Conscious again of aches and pains.

Harsh Reality For M 'Lady Fay

Although I truly empathise
with your desire to fantasise.
It is my task to emphasise.

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