ivor or ivor.e hogg Poems

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It's Not Unusual.

She smiles at him seductively
And he reacts instinctively.
Mother Nature still employs.
Her oldest most successful ploys.

Conduct Unbefitting

I do not like your attitude.
I find you arrogant and crude.
In fact in my opinion
You are much cruder than anyone.


I rose before the sun today
And slowly walking made my way.
Down to the shore where I could see.
The waves that roll in endlessly.

Get Out Of My Face!

I may be growing paranoid.
I find it better to avoid.
Those members of the human race.
Who rudely intrude on my space

A Small Boys View

The air raid sirens wailing cry.
Search lights criss crossing in the sky
Searching for the enemy
That we can hear but cannot see.

Legendary Profitabilty.

A quiet space a secret place.
A rocky cave in the cliff face.
Which somehow makes you feel welcome.
A hermit once made this his home.

The Best Laid Plans.

No moon tonight that we can see.
The dark storm clouds are gathering
The thunder grumbles distantly.
Ominous and threatening.

A Matter Of Opinion 2012

I think I have the right to state.
The present poet laureate


The night was cold but still and clear.
As I patrolled the riverside.
I felt a sudden twinge of fear.
Quite suddenly I was terrified.

Brief Encounter

Proud tomcats prowl when twilight falls
and fill the air with caterwauls.
They loudly boast of their prowess.
In their vain efforts to impress.

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