James McLain Poems

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Why Do You Shake When Around Me

In your presence, a trembling dance unfolds,
Why do you shake, a mystery untold?
Each moment shared, a delicate quake,
Like dropped perfume, memories break.


Redemption is,
In youth's embrace, I danced through life's last chance,
Unmindful of life's intricate dance.
Each missed opportunity, a fleeting glance,

' At The End Of The Road '

Where pathways converge, destiny unfolds,
A journey embarked, tales to be told.
Employees once, with tasks to attend,
Transform to friends, the road has no end.

A Ballet With Time

In loops of time, a dance unfolds,
Reversible dynamics, tales retold.
Curves closed in time's embrace,
A journey through the temporal space.

If God Exists, Has God Forgotten About Us

A question lingers, heavy, leaves.
If God exists, why hide divine?
In troubled hearts, no star doth shine.

To The Edge Of The Universe And Back

I have been to the edge of the universe,
Where galaxies weave a cosmic verse.
Through realms of stardust, my spirit roamed,
A journey profound, a celestial home.

Occam's Razor

Where religion is deep, where echoes wane,
We tread a path, each step in vain.
Through tales of realms beyond the veil,
Religion weaves it's mystic tale.

I Was Her Bull And She Milked Me Dry

In fields of trust, I grazed the green,
Her strong white hand, a milking queen.
With gentle strokes, she coaxed the flow,
Yet snapping turtle bites would show.

The Life And Death Of Sharon Olds

In stanzas rich with life's profound embrace,
Sharon Olds wove words, a poetic grace.
Verses danced, a vibrant, candid stream,
Her pen a beacon, in reality's dream.

Knowledge Is Our Mirror

Knowledge is our mirror, reflecting the mind,
A boundless expanse, wisdom entwined.
In pages and pixels, the stories unfold,
A universe of thoughts, both are young and old.

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