James Tincher

James Tincher Poems

I miss the touch
from a woman.
The chills it used
to send through

Your visit has made
us very happy,
so stay for as
long as you like.

Night falls as do my eyes.

Drift away into a fantasy sky.

James Tincher Biography

I am from a not so well off up bringing. We were not poor but we had a roof over our heads, clothes and food on the table. We didn't have what we wanted but we had what we needed. I have been writing poems since I was 16 yet I never saved them. Over the past year I have written many poems covering many different topics like emotions, feelings, nature, places, family, etc... My inspiration for writing is constant. I always have an eye and ear wide open to write something when it catches my attention. My mind is always on the go for a combonation of words.)

The Best Poem Of James Tincher

I Miss...

I miss the touch
from a woman.
The chills it used
to send through
my body.

The anticipation of
A gentle touch.
The softness of her
lips to mine.

To close my eyes
and know when she
enters the room.

Her scent fills
the air and sends
my senses into a
rage of want.

The warmth of love
and healing the soul
like the sun.

The calm and fullness
of the moon.

All together these
are... These emotions
and feelings bundled
and released like a
broken dam.

All this is and will
be because of a simple
feeling of emptiness.

I miss it so...

'April 22,2014'

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