jan oskar hansen

jan oskar hansen Poems


Snows only purpose?
To make my garden look good

Autumn Leaf.

The fall leaves dance weren’t celebrating life,
but utter despair, they whirled around in

A Day When Nothing Happened.

A perfectly quiet day is coming to an end no breeze rustles
amongst green leaf that have got a shimmer on from

Sex and the older man

As an illness settles in my body, things I took

Decisive tourist
Chancellor Adolph Hitler
Visits Paris

Taser him, taser everyone out there
who looks different from the norm
or answer back. Taser, them to they
wet themselves and taste dirt.

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Still Life

He sat in a rowboat, in the deep fiord, with
a bottle of vodka, a flask of tea, bacon butty

I like to sleep late, almost till eight, my skeptical
duvet doesn’t like to blow its cover, so I pass

Summer with my mother.

I t was the best summer I ever had or can remember,

I was going to throw away unsold collections

The Roman Soldier

It was late evening, when walking along the walls of

Nirvana and all that.

Since I don’t believe in heaven or the place stokers
go too- called hell- include me in your dreams when

So, how does it go? Ship ahoy sailor boy? I was going to write
from my life at sea, of salt water and romance in tropical nights,
but I can only remember, the old seafarers, who had no other
home than the temporary shelter a cabin on a ship gave.

The fierce midday sun rules the street, shadows
are packed, many layers thick, in arcades and

The Sloop

In the bay a single-mast sailing vessel, a sloop, rigged
fore and aft, was anchored near the shore, I swam over

The Fifties.

Sleet, snow, cold and dark before noon, Hitler
is living at a ranch in Argentina; that wasn’t fair,

Hangover Sonnet

Lucifer came, brought chocolate and sweet
Drambui. My bedroom reeks of self inflicted

The Blue River (new version)
Arabic/Andalusia poem
Al-RUSAFI (1179)

Reflection in a Window

From my window I can see morning haze, amongst
olive trees, I also see the outline of grazing sheep.

jan oskar hansen Biography

new email oskar.hansen@sapo.pt)

The Best Poem Of jan oskar hansen

4 Seasonal Haiku


Snows only purpose?
To make my garden look good
Four months a year


Shadows and light
In an unseemly embrace
Foolish April Dance


In the middy heat
Mules seeks shady carob trees
Man seeks the beach.


Morning sadness
Rain trickles down the window
Grey October sky.

jan oskar hansen Comments

Denis Mair 05 September 2020

After a lifetime of sea-faring, Oskar Hansen has many observations to share. In retirement he sifts through experiences to bring in his harvest. His vignettes are concretely personal while touching on universal themes. I think perhaps his spirit was toughened by tough circumstances in his early years, so he learned to appreciate what life brought him and drink it in like a sponge. His body of work is panoramic and kaleidoscopic: it will broaden your horizons.

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