Jane Secor

Jane Secor Poems

Friendship is a special devotion
Fulfilling a uniquely personal need;
A treasure of a fragile emotion
Which must be nurtured to succeed.


The world slowly becomes grey
Denying the clock which shows
That it is the middle of the day
Yet darkness continually grows.

Dreams are personal fantasies
Neither plotted nor designed,
Surrounded by muted mysteries
Of the sleeping mind.

The Best Poem Of Jane Secor


Friendship is a special devotion
Fulfilling a uniquely personal need;
A treasure of a fragile emotion
Which must be nurtured to succeed.
The joy of intimate sharing
Is purely a human trait.
We choose the ones for caring
Not relying on chance or fate.
Feelings develop which are sincere,
Unlike any other of its kind;
Its nature is not always clear
As it envelops the human mind.
As subtly as it evolved,
The friendship can be suspended;
And either of the parties involved
Sadly, can declare it ended.

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