Janice Walkden

Janice Walkden Poems

God is love
So simple but true
God shows his love
for me and for you

You can whisper my name
and I will hear
I'm not far away
In fact I'm quite near

What of death - there’s nothing to fear
when the lamp goes out, it will all become clear
Death is a doorway - an interdimensional gate
where our souls enter a different state

We work together
We work as one
Though there may be times
When we don't 'get on'

Sometimes its hard
to understand why
Someone so young
should have to die

Do you believe in fairies?
Could fairies really exist?
Do they live in flowers & gardens?
Do they play in the morning mists?

Have you read the bible
from beginning to end
I was asked this once
by a religious ‘friend’

Dear Nana

We knew the time was coming
that you had to go away

Thank you for the sunshine
Thank you for the rain
Thank you for the laughter
Thank you for the pain

I do believe we will see our pets
after their last visit to the vets
For they have souls
and have love to give

Wishing you happy birthday
May the day not pass you by
Enjoy each and every moment
Because time really does fly

Angels are around us
Each and every day
Working for our Heavenly Father
They hear us when we pray

Be Blessed little Molly
Keep safe little one
Your wonderful life
has just begun

What do you see
when you look around
A world in a mess
No hope to be found

Oh what beauty
Oh what grace
They join together
In a sweet embrace

As age creeps up on us all every year
I try not to worry and try not fear
But I’ve been thinking so much lately
of what I’ll be doing and who I will be

Dear angel walking by my side
whose song I barely hear
sing louder please and fill my heart
with goodwill for others dear

Happy New Year
For a great 2007
Hope & wishes fulfilled
And pennies from Heaven

A place in time
A thought, a care
The stillness of ‘now’
How can we compare?

Here I am, walking through time
taking these steps, through this life of mine
Where am I now, and where will I go
Is it all an illusion? - I really don’t know.

Janice Walkden Biography

I live in Lancashire in England and I work with my husband in the photographic industry. I write poetry (obviously) but I am also trained in holistic therapies and healing. All of my poems are under copyright. Please get in touch with me if you are planning to reproduce them elsewhere. Generally I don't mind so much (as long as there is no commercial gain involved) , but I should be approached first. Communication Its good to talk or so they say Fine to wish another good luck or good day What I object to is the useless spam and emails that are nothing but a scam So if you are going to write and say ‘hi’ that’s fine - its okay - I’ll try to reply But please be aware and don’t be shocked If you contact me with a scam in mind you will be blocked! ! I don't mind receiving messages from others here, so as long as they are not spams or scams or inappropriate in any way. Anything received of such a nature will be ignored, deleted or reported. I hope that is clear :))

The Best Poem Of Janice Walkden

God Is Love

God is love
So simple but true
God shows his love
for me and for you

Now we should try
to do the same
love one another
without hurt or blame

Bring peace to this world
which seems so full of woe
Not an easy task
we have a long way to go

It is possible though
we can all do our part
Each one of us
has love in the heart

So don’t let that love
be overshadowed with fear
keep the light of love burning
For love is so dear

Love is so precious
Love overcomes hate
To be without love
should be no souls fate

God is love
and love is the spark
may love and light be with you
As light overcomes dark

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