Jankovic Zoran Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Story about the woman and a kitten

One kitten stood
in front of the door.

Last Tears (For My Jela*) ~ Poslednja Suza (Mojoj Jeli)

That little drop from your eye
told me everything and I know
that you are having difficulty
bearing the difference

Word That Killed Two ~ Riječ Koja Je Ubila Dvoje

Word that killed two

I didn't know You are a good shooter.
Your word had a clear objective

For You (Prose) ~ Tebi

I'm sorry I neglected you.
You know I love you the most.
Now is the time that my memories
call all old, sad loves.

Kiss Of The Poem (For Anon)~ Pjesmin Poljubac

Your Poems are like a sweet seed.
I have a need to just read
great words that come out.
I feel like it's going to kiss my mouth.

To Assert Dominance ~ Čudni Zvuci Nadmoći

I heard the Weird noises
of the ocean in the night.
I saw a picture of a wrinkled face
and your fake smile.


I knew I was carrying a woman over the water.
Someone else, with a new haircut,
i was dunked at the deep sea.

Vagner's Adagio ~ Vagnerov Adađo

Vagner's Adagio

I remember the time when you were like Adagio.
Flaunting, timid and full of imagination,

Masks ~ Maske

Everyone has a mask,
their hidden alter ego,
in the heart, in the depths of the soul,
small, dim light in the dark

Instant Love ~ Instant Ljubav

Your love is like an instant lottery.
Naively you think every ticket
which you get out must have a gain.

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