jason turner

jason turner Poems

the keys in front of me
seem alien to me
sitting here for the last
hour bleeding document my history


im drunk off my planet
time to take a step back
reveil all thats in front of me
beleive me ive seen more than

i rose to the top
with my last gasp
i sank to the bottom
the smell was rotten

U crave the suspence
aslip of the tongue its hard....
too mention, i have a penchant for
your unguarded attention.

Pushing trollies in the middle of the night,
tramps crowd round the bonfire, the rattle of tins an the bins freezing cold ice litters the street light.
The clandecent politics of who owns the new shoe seen that very afternoon fool you fool me...
Pristine buckles rise from there trousers hard and clogged with the values of their fathers.

dogs bikes trikes family days out, turn that hose pipe off theres a drought.
old bread water feeding the ducks, away from the roadside an the trucks.
skip jump do a dance run amok hide an seek, all so much fun at the end of the week.
dogs bark kites fly sun kisses the water, as the bread floates effortlessly by.

breath clouds blind my vision
earth crumbles as its risen
eyes fixed sweat beats
down my perferated cheeks

The Best Poem Of jason turner

Bangin On Heavens Door

the keys in front of me
seem alien to me
sitting here for the last
hour bleeding document my history
jump up call out my name
turn your head in the sound of pain
its the end of the train
shame brain take at look at the game
an aim click click its the
last frame

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