Jean Dament Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Lost In The 50's

As a child in the 50's I remember a time;
When lots could be bought for simply a dime,
Chips, pop, milk & comic books;
And sometimes a nickel was all it took,


Angels seem to take flight all year long both day & night,
Some are seen...while some remain out of sight,
They dispel darkness into light anew,
Performing good deeds while being loyal & true,

Life Is Fragile-Handle With Care

Everyday life hangs lightly in a delicate balance;
Where nothing should be left to chance;
And time should not be taken for it's something free,
Even though our problems can overwhelm us...we need to let them be;

Two Swans In Love

Two swans are adrift on the lake in all their splendor,
A sweet vision to behold in it's true grandeur,
Ghostlike images that you may encounter,
Unaware of their surroudings; while they effortlessly saunter,

Turning Sixty

They say it's nifty to be Fifty,
But what about turning Sixty?
We feel somewhat like a rose dying on the vine;
And our minds & bodies are slowly fading over time,

Hearts & Roses (Acrostic)

Hearts of love
All the
Rapture & reason

A Woodland's Charm

I came upon a sacred view along my way;
While walking through the woods one day,
Such calm & beauty gave me pause when it appeared like a dream;
While I beheld this enchanted woodland scene,

Life Is Like A Carnival

A day at the carnival is filled with lots of joys & thrills,
It's similiar in life; as we sometimes endure fun & then sometimes spills;
Where we can be riding so high one day, like being atop a big ferris wheel,
With the wind blowing in our hair & no worries do we feel,

In The Autumn Of My Life

As I've aged, it seems I have come to the autumn of my life;
Where I'm left with remnants of dreams & things that lag behind,
Yet what remains is a mellow feeling of contentedness,
It's liken to autumn -that brings a pause in time;

A Solitary Lighthouse

A solitary lighthouse abides by the sea so majestic & oh! so true,
A stronghold for vessels sailing out on the rough waters of the misty blue;
While sounding an alarm to keep sailors from their plight;
And guiding their passage with it's glowing safety of light,

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