Jeremy Rodgers Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Dancing Demons

Dancing demons
on the pulpits
playing rock-n-roll,
dancing demons or Jesuits

Which Bible?

K.J.V, obviously
compare them and you'll see.
J.T.C.'s 'Let's Weigh the Evidence'
makes it evident

Depart From Iniquity

'Woe to the pastors that destroy my flock
that teach evil is good and good evil'

I knew a pastor of a church
he didn't know adultery was wrong

A Message In A Bottle

All these empty bottles
Why don’t they leave a message?
Why don’t they ask for help?
Someone might find it

Another Day At The Park

Sitting at the park watching the sunshine
listening to the birds singing in the trees above me
hearing picnickers laughing because it's safe
I smile too; summertime is here

'Only Human'

They say you're only human
so you can sin a lot
but if you act like animals
then I guess you're not

It Was Me

I told her to stand, I told her to be strong
I wondered why she was crying, but didn't know I knew all along
it was me

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