Jerome Brooke

Jerome Brooke Poems

Near the centre, near Saint Peters,
Stands the Crystal palace,
In the palace, near the silver fountain,
Sleeps our Queen, all in lace.


Dark waves rise, then race at the shore,
Black nights of the soul.
At sea, pale clouds, and mist, hide memory,
Moments of joy, and sorrow.

Dancer, spinning in silk, turn to me,
I do burn.
Lady in black, Maid of Fire, burn me,
Come, return.

Prince of Mindanao, splendid in bronze,
Marching, so young, so pure.
Vassals bow before your horse, the warband,
Does salute you, bright in azure.


Ladies of the court, with grace and charm,
All walk with our Ador.
Ladies of love, and courtesans of song,
All these and more.

Planes of Mirage, clouds of mist, lie deep,
Freed by light.
Ages past, lost to all eyes, dwell below,
Waiting for life.

Mount, ride my Prince, son of our Queen,
Lead us to Gold.
Pale is the horse, the dim white horse,
That I now do hold.

High on the hill, round the lone prey,
Wolves sing, howls of cold.
Wolves, gray hunters, sing and run;
Hunters fleet, and bold.

Wolves howl, chill warning,
Songs of red blood.
Hunters smile, men reach for spears,
Stone, one with wood.

High, over the sea, stands our Lady,
With hair of gold.
On hills of pure silver, hard driven,
By gales, ever bold.


Forward sailed the royal craft, ebony and gold,
Gleaming with jewels.
Sails of red great circles made, racing the clouds,
Before a gale of rage.

Fire dances, circles of stone, leaping high,
Night flows, silently, outside.
Stones dance, in shadows, shadows of fear,
Fear carried, with the tide.

In cold darkness, stood the tall tower,
Red, of glowing stone.
Among the shadows walked the Queen,
Our Lady Fair, alone.

Brave queen of chariot, queen of sail,
See the milling horde.
Truth and love, spear and sword,
Weep for your Lord.

Wolves howl, chill warning,
Song of blood.
Hunters smile, men reach for spears,
Stone, one with wood.

Thunder, cruel master, sounds far away,
Ashes blow in the sky.
Fear walks the street, cries ring out,
Filling the empty square.


Around the lone, tired man, hunters,
Wolves, a circle formed.
Wolves, white wolves, howled,

Flames, dreams, candles, shadows,
All dance in sight.
Flames on a far, dim hill, or near,
Close, in the night.


Stars turn, slaying and burning,
Eyes flash.
Dawn searches, and night flees,
Bronze blades slash.

Free the captives, return them to Cebu,
Their oaths sworn.
Spare the son of mine enemy, their King,
Fallen and torn.

Jerome Brooke Biography

Jerome Brooke was born in Evansville, Indiana. He now resides in Thailand. He has a son,34 years of age - and a daughter one year of age.)

The Best Poem Of Jerome Brooke

Crystal Palace

Near the centre, near Saint Peters,
Stands the Crystal palace,
In the palace, near the silver fountain,
Sleeps our Queen, all in lace.

Thru halls of silver, and bright gold,
Proceeds our noble Queen,
Leading her knights and great lords,
Trailing her robe of green.

Above the black towers, dark clouds gather;
Red banners wildly toss.
Our Lady of Swords calls out to the mailed ranks,
Pale Legions of the Lost.

Gates of iron slam shut, under the blue stars,
Cohorts of the moon.
Our legions, in red, march to red death,
On the morn, so soon.

In her palace of crystal, waits our Lady,
Our victorious Queen.
She weeps for one in her distant legion,
No more to be seen.

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