Jerusha Melanie

Jerusha Melanie Poems

A sweet little bird
Builds her nest,
Gives all its energy
To make it the best.

The world laughs
When she cries,
It ignores her,
When she tries something nice.

Why don't you educate me?
I am not just born to make coffee and tea.

My heart pains badly


What makes me worry are
the words of dictionary.

Some are called homophones

Where one day tribal moved for hunt,
Today big factories placed,
Big buildings constructed
And poor animals chased.


With pretty looking butterflies
Busy on their fly
And preying Falcons and Hawks
Searching and Flying up in the sky.

They kept her inside the cage
She cried not to get tied
Inside the walled golden stage.

We have some ducks
In a tank of ours,
They swim and eat there
All the hours.

There's a time,
To work and sleep,
To play and run,
And to laugh and weep.

Its thundering,
Its lightning,
Its storming,
It’s raining.

I'm like a button,
Attached to a stem in mud,
When one gazes me,
I reveal myself as a bud.


The world is working;
Someone laughs, and some weep.
But you on your cozy bed,
Are fast asleep.

The cool breeze
Harolds it's arrival,
The dismayed hawks
Hooted their disapproval.

I sat at the terrace,
Staring the sky.
Just then an aeroplane
Steadily passed by.

The sky tends to hold
Stories that are untold;
Prophesies of the Seers,
Theories of the bold.

I don't know what happiness they got,
When they killed many in MH17,
With single -finger- triggered bullet shot.

The Best Poem Of Jerusha Melanie

A Bird's Nest Destroyed

A sweet little bird
Builds her nest,
Gives all its energy
To make it the best.

Little by little
Broken twigs she picks,
Slowly but steadily
She arranges the sticks.

After the completion
She takes some ease,
Flies to a distance
And looks at her master piece.

Splendid, marvelous and wonderful
Were the interiors of her nest.
Because she has made it
With all zeal and zest.

But suddenly she felt
A strong and mighty tremor.
She peeked outside
And saw a bulldozer.

She flew out and saw
Her nest being destroyed.
She sat on a tree,
Worried and annoyed.

Tears rolled down.
And she couldn't control mourning.
Her effort has gone in vain,
So she started weeping.

Then she cried out,
'Alas! you selfish guys!
You have demolished my nest,
Which was my handwork's prize.

We make our nest
On our own.
While you make homes
With laborers and loan

Please, we ask you to be
Only our guest,
Not to destroy it,
But to take selfies with our nest.

Jerusha Melanie Comments

Jerusha Melanie Quotes

The sun is bound to rise only after prolonged darkness.

You went to sleep in a belief that the sun will rise surely after some time, isn't it? In the the same belief that you can win, start this wonderful day.

Life is exactly like music. When we learn it, we learn it by rules. But when we play it, we play it on our own.

Life is exactly like music. When we learn it, we learn it by rules. But when we play it, we play it on our own.

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