Jessica lee Workman Poems

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O Father O Father

O father o father your never a bother even though you’re my only father
o father o father
your always there
o father o father

Anger, Anger

anger is anger
anger makes you scream
anger makes you hate
anger takes control

Daddy's Baby Girl

when i was born i wrap my figure around your pointer figure i will never forget thoughts memory,
think of thoughts happy tears we have shared,
i will remember you even when im scared,
i miss the heart to heart talks we have had,

When I Die

when I die I wanna go to way under
cuz I’m a piece of work it aint hard to tell I don’t make since going to heaven
with goody goodies dressed in white I like black hoodies god would
probably have me on the bad list anyways don’t no way because


As I drag the razor,
I feel the relief,
the moment I started after awhile the moment it ended
because of to make things Worse to make me loose it,

Today Is Not A Good Day

i woke up sick in bed
my stomach has a stabbing pain
thats spreading to my head my knees are weak and achy
my eyes are full of flu,

Second Choice

I might not be someone's first choice,
but I am a great choice.
I may not be rich but I am valuable.
I don't pretend to be someone I'm not,

What Is Suicide

Suicide isn’t funny so don’t try it,
suicide can be quick it can be slow,
its is long and painful,
suicide never calming,

You Mean The World To Me

Baby Boy Or Girl

my baby
At first you moved, only a little.
I could always find you, right in the middle.
As time went on, you really started to grow.

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