Jessica lee Workman Poems

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I sits all alone.
I have so much to say but I don’t.
as I sit in that corner all alone my whole life
Watching others carry on with their lives.


Suicide is just a way to leave a problem
Suicide is what no one wants
Suicide is what no one expects
Suicide is a stupid thing

Starting A New Life

starting a new life,
change the way i felt,
taking step by step,
dont want to look back to change the world in pack,

Baby Boy Baby Boy

you are mommy baby boy you are my baby boy I love you
I miss you I miss how you meow to me you’re my baby boy
ive had you for 10 years you are a special cat to me
you’re a healer cat you’re a life saver I will always miss you

Dear Great Grandma

Even though your gray and wrinkly your still very bright and
twinkly you’re my shiny star, the one who’s guided me so far…
To over one hundred you’ll come to see and of course to me
the best great grandma you’ll be

Feelings Of Pain

What is it that makes feeling this way,
is it those harsh words people say
I cannot face these words any longer
they only make me weaker not stronger,

Bad Moment

You might have a bad moment then again you can have
good moments too I remember hanging out my sister when
I was younger now I cant get her to talk to me for a minute,
I know that one day she’s gonna leave for awhile because because

I Love You

When you smile my mind goes a mile
When you cry I die
When you laugh it takes me down another path
When you act cool I am invisible

Whats Pain

I know what is wrong considered insane but when you feel alone
it helps with the pain enough love causes this act of self conflict and
that’s a fact when knife goes in the arm the blood starts to flow and
all your problems seem to just go away and the pain is no price for the relief

Job Done

Contract from the Lord expired
Duty to make His world
A better place beautifully done
Though it wasn't an easy task

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