Jimmie Arrington Poems

Hit Title Date Added
#232 Your World

I breathe but I don’t breathe your air.
I’m compassionate but I don’t care.
I speak but I not your dialect.
I’m here but tricky to detect.

#231 Freedom Or Confines

I suppose I don’t know why
But at the same time, I do.
You can accept it or deny,
Either way, it’s up to you.

#230 A New Star In My Sky

I’m seated upon a park bench,
One hour into a new day.
With each minute, I’m another inch
Further and further away.

#228 A Pleasant Dream

You were a pleasant dream,
A blessing as I slept.
You were a gentle stream,
Right through my heart, you crept.

#226 Nature And Soul

Detach your self,
Isolate your mind.
Let nature and soul
Perpetually bind.

#225 My Sweet Amalie

Hard times arise, as we all know,
Summer turns to a blizzard of snow;
But through it all, I’ll never let go,
My sweet Amalie.

#224 I Cried For You

Rochelle, I cried for you last night.
Your news torn my shield to shreds.
Faint images of black and white
Dulled the colors in my head.

#222 Beneath The Streetlight

There he stands below the beam,
The glowing ray, the golden stream,
The same as every night.
Like in a horrid midnight dream,

#221 I Am A Trampoline

Bend me cause you think I’ll break,
Mold me like I’m clay,
Bruise me for your own sake,
Then simply throw me away.

#220 Standing By

The wind spins, the rain falls,
The phone rings from late night calls.
It’s futile asking “why? ”
The crickets chirp, the wolf cries,

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