Joan Beebe

Joan Beebe Poems

The word "Love" is a life changing word
When there is love, there is peace
When there is peace, there is harmony
When there is harmony, there is gentleness

I feel myself floating high above and I see everything below so small
It is like a bird winging its way by me on a journey only he knows
There is beauty and peace to enjoy with not a sound to distract me

We often take for granted the beauty that surrounds us
But if we take time to open ourselves to the awesome
Wonders of what nature has created, we begin to understand.

Suddenly it seems so quiet. The birds have stopped chirping,
No longer do you hear the rustling breeze through the trees.
Now we notice the sun is slowly fading and quickly
Darkness enfolds us in its eerie and encompassing determination.

The Best Poem Of Joan Beebe

Whhen There Is Love

The word "Love" is a life changing word
When there is love, there is peace
When there is peace, there is harmony
When there is harmony, there is gentleness
When there is gentleness, there is nurturing
And when there is nurturing,
There is a positive growth in this world

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