Joe Guillotin Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ellipse #78(…candy Bar)

Saw a kid in a gas mask today
Five years old- maybe four
Stole a Hershey bar from the remains
of a burnt down store.

Canned Laughter

It makes me want to laugh
sawing a girl in half

and missing the mark

Top Billing...

A cast of thousands- MILLIONS(maybe more)
Just wait till you see the things we have in store..

The Red Sea parted like a 50 cent haircut!

Groundskeeper's Grounds..

Bill, the gardener liked to water the pansies
Until they were flooded, it tickled his fancy
Retarded he was, because of his eccentricities
Ignorant, for sure of a garden's awesome complexities

A Walk In The Door

A walk in the door
On this most solemn night
I sit- and I wait

Liplock Carbomb And Puzzle Piece Noses

The choke of her hair
the smoke of her smile
a finger up a spine
index indexing

Ellipse #80...(Someone Else's Words)

'Please don't quote me'
For then you'll see
Why it is absurd
to use another's words

Friends He..

The friends HE
sends me

whisper sweet nothings


A million pens dropp all at once.
Everyone is silent.
No more scrawling manically on the walls and napkins and odd bits of paper that seem only to be available at these particular moments of inspiration.
You close your eyes- and you can see past the pain, or the want, or the love..

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