John Bowring Poems

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Winter: Monday Morning

And so the active week again
Its course begins-and so renew'd,
Our moments' busy multitude,

Winter: Saturday Evening

Lord! to whose being ages are but moments,
Fugitive moments! Thou, Eternal Father!
Listen in mercy-for life's passing shadows

Winter: Saturday Morning

Another portion of life rolls on,
The week glides calmly by;
And down the swift stream of time we run,
To the sea of eternity.

Winter: Sunday Evening

Sweetly is the sabbath fled,
Day of peace and rest to me;
'Let Thy name be hallowed.'
Now my spirit soars to Thee.

Winter: Sunday Morning

God of the morning! Thou, the sabbath's God!
Round whose bright footsteps thousand planets roll:
A million beings at Thy mighty nod

Winter: Thursday Evening

The day is done;-the night comes calmly forth,
Bringing sweet rest upon the wings of even:
The golden wain rolls round the silent north,

Winter: Thursday Morning

Thou best of Beings!-now the night is fled,
And day awakes in all its bliss again;
Man, rising from his heaven-protected bed,

Winter: Tuesday Evening

The earth again puts on its evening dress;
And wakening yon innumerable stars,
A twilight, milder than the eye of day

Winter: Tuesday Morning

Almighty One! I bend in dust before Thee,
Even so veil'd cherubs bend;-
In calm and still devotion I adore Thee,
All-wise, all-present Friend!

Winter: Wednesday Evening

The hour of peace resumes again
Its tranquil, silent, solemn reign;
Sorrow a short cessation knows
On the soft couch of calm repose,

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