John Bowring

John Bowring Poems

Lord! I believe: but if a doubt
Should shake my weak and wand'ring soul,
Let Reason drive the intruder out,

Where is thy sting, O Death!
Grave! where thy victory?
The clod may sleep in dust beneath,
The spirit will be free!

'Like morning dew
He sparkled; was exhaled, and went to heaven;'
That promise for the innocent was given,
And is divinely true.

Keep the unity of spirit,
Keep it in the bonds of peace,
So alone shall we inherit
Hope, and truth, and blessedness.

We walk by faith, and not by sight;
And if we ever go astray,
Do Thou, O Lord! conduct us right,
And lead us in our onward way.

Where'er the foot of man hath trod,
He feels the presence of a God:
Around, above, beneath,-where'er
His thought can reach, a God is there.

If the hours of life are fleeting,
Let those hours be well employed!
Working, resting, parting, meeting,
Life was given to be enjoyed.

I wander through a foreign land,
And still Thy love is mine;
And, guided by Thy gracious hand,
I feel that I am Thine.

Now tell me what is chivalry?
To battle in the foremost fight
For anything-for wrong-for right,
For some fair lady's scornful smile,

When shall mortal man be crowned,
Crowned with immortality?
Shadows here our path surround;
Nothing is reality.

There was a day in ancient time
(It took its name from the bright Sun
That beams upon the orient clime),
When in the ripened corn-fields One

On light beams flowing from above
Man's course of mortal being runs;
And with the loadstone of His love
The Eternal Sire attracts His sons.

Rouse thee, O my spirit, rouse thee,
Unto God thy offerings bring;
Sing His name, for He allows thee

Have ye not seen? have ye not heard?
And hath it not been told to you?
'From the beginning,' that the Lord
Will strengthen, will uphold you?

Round us, o'er us, is there aught
Which can fill our highest thought;
Aught which may deserve to be

Lead us with Thy gentle sway,
As a willing child is led;
Speed us on our forward way,
As a pilgrim, Lord! is sped;

Long had the darkness of ages surrounded
Earth and its sons, when the day-star on high
Broke from the mists, and with glory unbounded

While through life's tangled paths you rove,
Watch every onward footstep duly;
And if there's little life to love,

Pure and undefiled religion,
In our God and Father's sight,
Is, to pour on helpless orphans

O there are hours so dark and dull,
That nought of earthly light can cheer;
Hours full of fear-and sorrowful-
When the worn spirit has no ear

John Bowring Biography

Sir John Bowring, KCB (17 October 1792 – 23 November 1872) was an English political economist, traveller, miscellaneous writer, polyglot, and the 4th Governor of Hong Kong.)

The Best Poem Of John Bowring

Lord! I Believe

Lord! I believe: but if a doubt
Should shake my weak and wand'ring soul,
Let Reason drive the intruder out,
And Truth my wayward thoughts control.

But let me not, O God! receive
Distrustful Thy almighty word:
'Twere better never to believe
Than to mistrust and dread Thee, Lord!

And, finding truth, may I convey
That truth in meekness. Truth demands
Nor flame, nor sword, nor despot sway;
But gentle thoughts and spotless hands.

Lord! I believe: but if a doubt
Should sometimes shake my wav'ring soul,
Let Reason drive the intruder out,
And Truth my wayward thoughts control.

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